Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Almost a year in two way's

Anthony & I got married on March 19, 2011 and our son Gavin Brock came into the world early on April Fool's day 2011 so it's bittersweet to say were coming up on two very special event's in our lives. I for one will never forget either of those day's for as long as I shall live. Our wedding was at 9 in the morning on that Saturday because Miss Paige goes to her mom at 10 each weekend, whichever day it may fall that week. (who get's married at 9 am??? lol) We had our closet family there and a few extra special people, I wish we would of had that HUGE wedding I've always dreamed of but why?? I wanted a wedding before a baby came because I knew in my heart once the little man got here planning a huge expensive wedding was going to be something of the past, I just wanted everyone there to be with us even if it was at 9am! We had miss Paige all dressed up to stand up at the alter with us and what happens??? Granny & Paw Paw are there then Cody and sissy show up and I had to giggle because I knew she wasn't gonna stand up there with me it was so cute she said I will sit right here =) My moms husband, Gerri stood at the alter with my Anthony and my best friend Tina was by my side. My brother, Dillon walked me down the isle to give me away to Anthony and it was one of the single sweetest moments in my whole life. I was shocked I was actually getting Anthony to stand before all our family because Anthony isn't big on crowds and I found myself more nervous than Anthony. He's like 6'8'' and i'm trying not to cry so it was hard to look up into his eyes because I could feel my heart strings a pulling with the emotion of how special the day was and the preggo hormones =) Those few days we spent in Gatlinburg were so special for us, Anthony got a real vacation away and got to experience the life of TN. Looking forward to taking the kid's very soon!
Then there was April 1, 2011 I woke up that morning took Paige to school like normal but I remember just not feeling well like my belly was just hurting I didn't have to be to work till later that day and both times Anthony called to check on me I said my belly just felt upset, so I left for work a little early because Anthony's mom was picking up Paige for us and I remember Anthony bringing Paige by to check on me and by that point my belly was just cramping like an upset stomach. My co-worker Ashley left for her hour lunch break and I remember wondering what in the world was going on with my belly I still had 12 weeks for little Gavin to bake in my belly! Though about 20 minates into Ashley's lunch I was in pain and I was starting to get scared but I remember at the time being more scared of not doing my job, there was a camera that could see my every move what was my boss going to think with her co-worker not leaving the register to do the other parts of her job. ha I remember thinking I really should be straigtening but by the time I got to where I had stopped off straighting the shelves I was holding back the tears. Ashley must of sensend something when she came in cause I looked at her in a panic and said "something's wrong I think I need to call Anthony and have him come get me". So I called my boss first and of couse she said can Anthony come and get you and to call him so I called Anthony and started crying harder and told him something wasn't right come and get me he had just seen me an hour and half before when he came to check on me. By the time Megan got there to take over my shift I was plum scared I remember her hugging me and it just felt so good knowing someone cared and could be there for a second to comfort me. Anthony got there with Paige and I was trying to be strong for Paige but it was hard, By LUCK Anthony's mom seen him pull back into Dollar General and she came into the parking lot to check on us, we asked her if it would be ok if she took Miss Paige for the evening and we were gonna head to the ER because something just didn't seem right with the baby.
By the time we got to Wythe County Community Hospital I was more scared than anything I started thinking oh my what if this isn't faulse contractions? My mom and stepsister meet me at the ER and my mom asked if my back was hurting and I said no, so she assumed I wasn't in labor her back killed her with my brother and I. We checked into the ER they offered me a wheelchair and I said no I'm fine to walk( now I think who am I kidding woman ha ha) Get hooked up to all the machines to see if i'm having contractions and the lady say's i'm having contractions left and right she needs to check me to see if i'm dilated it's procedure. When here hand comes back out full of blood that was the point my heart hit the floor. I remember thinking what did I do? I've never smoked a cigarette a day in my life i've only had a handful of beers when I was a young adult and i've never done any types of drugs all this raced through my head because I at that point had assumed something horrible was wrong with Gavin and that my baby boy wasn't going to make it. So the second nurse comes into check me and when she say's "yes she's fully dilated" my husband says "what that mean" nurse say's were having a baby! Anthony rushed out to tell my mom since I told him to. I remember them both coming back in the room looking scared to death and them both trying to be calm for me so that I would stay calm but boy were my nerves already shot.
My doctor Fox was supposed to be on vactaion with her family so Dr Kilgore was on call to deliever and Dr. Griffin was there as an emergancy doctor. Though luck would have it Dr. Fox hadn't left yet and Dr. Kilgore had ran into her husband coming in the hospital and said she had a patient that needed her if she could get here, So Dr.Fox was able to make it to labor and delievery. The key was having me hold off on having Gavin till Roanoke Flight Team could get there and let me tell you that was a job in a half, the contractions were so intense I hadn't practiced any of my breathing techniques(he I still had 12 weeks lol). Then God would be watching over us some more when our nurse on duty for the night comes in to give me a shot I though was for pain when it was really a shot to help develop the babies lungs and I see the nurse and my spirts got lifted so much when I see Jessie Jones walk in the room at that point I remember thinking to myself thank you so much God for letting her be here with me during this time, she was someone I looked up to so much during my school day's and she is still someone I look up to to this day. So between Jessie, Dr Griffin, Dr. Fox, and the other nurse that stayed overtime with me through the delievery I was put a little more at ease. Roanoke Flight Team got there just in the knick of time ! I was told I could push when needed and boy they didn't have to tell me that twice my water broke first push and Jessie and the other nurse had to keep reminding me how to breath and I could feel Anthony's hand around mine so tight I remember looking up at him thinking what the heck am I doing and I remember apologizing for screaming and Jessie and Dr. Fox giggling because i'm sure women are not supposed to apologize for their water breaking or for screaming during labor ( but I did lol). Then I was told to let off on the last push and as I did out poops a whimpering, legs and arms a flinging each and every way little baby boy weighing a whole 2 pound 7.9 ounce by the name of Gavin Brock Hannah, by the time he came into the world my emotions got the best of me and the tears began to flow I remember praying to God and thanking him for letting this little miracle out into the world breathing. They rushed Gavin out of the room to prep him for the trip to Roanoke he was trying to breath on his own and he peeped and pooped on the Flight Team nurses before they could get him all hooked up and snug in his incubator.
It was a few hours wee into the night before they wheeled Gavin into see me I was able to open the little arm hole and touch his hand and I remember thinking oh my gosh i'm gonna break him if they let me hold him anytime soon! He was soooooo tiny!
The night turned into a blue of pure exaushtion and praying and trying to piece everything together.
Though this I will say the Lord above was looking out for us and i'm forever greatful for my family and each and everyone of the doctors, nurses, flight team, and memember of WCC for taking care of us that April Fool's night.


  1. Oh goodness hon... up until now I could only imagine the rush of emotions you must have felt that day! I remember Mom, Dad and I checking Facebook posts every other hour when Gavin was first born. First thing Dad would say when he got home from work was "Have you checked on the little feller?"

    You definitely had a little fighter and a lot of prayers going up... not to mention strong and positive parents! Talk about meant to be when he finally got home.

    I'm glad you started blogging again. We'll have to link to each other once I get mine back up and running!

    - Shaina

    1. strong positive parents meaning you and Anthony... though I'm sure your parents were too! That part made no sense once I reread it. LOL!
